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Supply Agency of the European Atomic Energy Community

The Euratom Treaty established the Supply Agency of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom Supply Agency, or ESA) with legal personality and financial autonomy. ESA has been operating since 1 June 1960.

The main task foreseen in the Euratom Treaty is to ensure that all users in the Community receive a regular and equitable supply of ores and nuclear fuel. Chapter VI is devoted to the supply policy of nuclear materials in the EU, in particular it sets up the tasks and obligations of the ESA. Under Art. 52 ESA has the exclusive right to conclude contracts for the supply of ores, source materials and special fissile materials within the EU.

ESA’s Statutes address its operational and financial provisions. They also define the role of ESA’s Advisory Committee, which acts as a link between the Agency and both users and producers in the EU nuclear industry. The Advisory Committee assists ESA by giving opinions and providing analysis and information.

ESA’s Rules implement Art. 60 of the Euratom Treaty and define how demand is to be balanced against supply of ores, source materials and fissile materials. The Rules also define the declaration method for information on supplies.

Any act performed by the Agency in the exercise of its right of option or of its exclusive right to conclude supply contracts may be challenged before the Commission (Art.53 Euratom Treaty).